Be a part of something special
If you have a keen interest in growing crops or keeping livestock, then you could join the one million people already working in the agricultural sector. Your work is likely to change with the seasons, so you will have to be prepared to work in all weather conditions, and embrace the modern technologies that this industry now thrives on. If you are physically fit, have excellent practical and communication skills and love variety, then you'll be a great success working in this industry.
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Why choose us?
Quite simply, we have natural resources in abundance! We are privileged that Shuttleworth College is situated in a large conservation area containing grassland, moorland, heathland, woodland and wetland, giving you a diverse range of real life working environments to gain experience in.
As a student, you will work on the 98 hectares of land retained exclusively for teaching, where the College farm becomes the biggest – and busiest – classroom on campus!

Industry opportunities
Studying Agriculture at Shuttleworth is the best way to acquire all the practical and management skills you will need to have a successful career in this sector.
Some courses will include work experience on a placement farm where you will carry out livestock management and practical exercises, cultivation, drilling, and haymaking, as well as participating in agricultural activities that reflect local farming practice.

Expert tutors and top-class facilities
Whichever area you choose to specialise in you will have access and training to use the latest modern technology and equipment – from tractors, pesticides applicators and crop sprayers, to chainsaws and grinders.
The practical work is supported in the classroom, with workshops and lectures, where our highly experienced tutors will share their industry knowledge and teach you about both agricultural practices and modern business processes.

Student success
Agriculture enables you to study the science, art and business of cultivating soil, crops and livestock – everything you need for a successful career in modern day farming. Many of our students have gone on to exciting careers in the industry.
This is a sector with jobs available at almost every level – and one that will teach you that having great management skills doesn’t mean you have to sit behind a desk all day. If you have the drive and the qualifications, you could end up running your own farming business, or working in an agriculture related industry, such as a machinery dealership or an agricultural supply company.