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Multiply: Numeracy skills for life

Adult students in classroom.

Multiply Overview

Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills.

If you’re aged 19 and over, live in Northamptonshire and don’t have maths GCSE at grade C/4 (or equivalent), you can access free numeracy courses to build your confidence with numbers.

Skills for life Logo.

Skills for Life

Good numeracy skills may unlock job opportunities and lead to higher wages or prepare you for further study. They also help in everyday life, such as helping children with homework and budgeting money.

All of our Multiply programmes are free. Opportunities to increase confidence in numeracy with The Bedford College Group includes:

Course Options

Flexible numeracy

Our flexible numeracy is perfect for individuals who do not possess confidence with numbers. You can access 24 hours of 1-1 tuition in numeracy that may lead to an accredited qualification. You can access flexible numeracy at one of our Learning Centres in Corby or Kettering.

Two students at pc.

Get in touch!

To obtain further information on the Multiply: Skills for life programmes, please email us.