Highlights of Computing Academic Year: 2021/2022

July 2022
World Skills Success
Two computing students have won heats to go through to the World Skills finals in website development.
Daniel Cobzariu and James McKay are in the final eight for the national competition to be held later in the year.
The Bedford College Group has a high profile in computing competitions in World Skills. This year, the Bedford College campus hosted a regional competition for cyber security using its top of the range facilities.
Tower-ing talent
July 2022: IT trainee James McKay was shortlisted for the BCS Digital T Level Student of the Year at the ceremony at the Tower of London. BCS is the Chartered Institute for IT.

Staff development
Head of Computing Paula Hobday and team member Daniel Hulatt are applying for their Senior and Fellowship members of Advance HE to demonstrate the Group’s commitment to degree level learning.
Daniel Hulatt and Christian Nunez-Fuentes were selected as outstanding examples of those with real world working experience and teaching expertise which combine to deliver the best possible support for students.
They were featured on the Guardian website, the Observer magazine, on podcasts and wider advertising to promote the campaign highlighting the best of FE.

Working with employers
At an employer event keynote speaker was Jan Hulatt from The HR Dept (Recruitment Specialists).
Other guests included representatives from Bedfordshire Police IT Security Department, Receptional, Quorum Cyber, Partnership Education Ltd, Prominent Media and Bedford College Marketing and Apprenticeship teams.
Said Paula Hobday:
“We also had two members of the Bedfordshire Police Digital Media Investigation Team who brought their cyber vans along for students to have a look inside and provided an insight into their job roles.
“Feedback from students was very positive and employers have been invited back for 2022-23.”
Coming in September
In November 2021, funding was announced for the Group for Higher Technical Qualifications, modern IT suites. Courses begin at Tresham College Corby, Kettering and Bedford campuses in the new autumn term.
Said Paula Hobday:
“We will be running the new HTQs from September in 4 pathways – General, Applications Development and Testing, Cyber Security and Network Engineering.
“We have a newly refurbished lab with brand new equipment and a break-out room for students. In addition we were involved in the marketing campaign which was filmed using our equipment, the videos for which are now on YouTube.”