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Former Brooks student soars ahead

make up

Former Bedford College trained turned star stylist Calum Jenkins is through to the London finals of a national hair product’s creative competition.

Calum, aged 20 from Fletchers Salon at 99 Tavistock Street, Bedford will be competing against hair technicians from around the UK.

Former Brooks student soars ahead PR Story

His colourful creations using Milkshake brand products, turned college Elle into a pop art Marilyn Monroe. Calum has squads of followers on Instagram @hairbycalumnjenkins and is fast gaining a reputation for setting the style in town.

Salon owners Stuart Fletcher and Jane Lewis established Fletchers 35 years ago but thanks to their younger team including Mat Buckingham, famed for his Royal Commando charity training challenges, keep well ahead of current trends. The whole squad is off to cheer Calum on at the finals in November.

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