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Casting net wide for careers

Fish Management students and tutor Shuttleworth College

Students from the Fish Management Advanced (Level 3) course at Shuttleworth College are celebrating the catch of the day after winning a college angling competition with a 20lb Common Carp.

As part of the course, students on the Fish Management course worked alongside first year student, Louis Bales who managed a marathon 24 hour angling match against Hadlow College. The competition that was organised as part of the event management module, was held at the Broom Big Lake, a lake managed by Embryo Angling Habitat and located within the Shuttleworth Estate in Bedfordshire.

Independent angling activities helped the group to hone their casting talents with both first and second year students taking part in the fishing competition.

Louis and all fellow first year students passed this unit of their course relating to event management as the group, led by Louis successfully organised the logistics, managed the budget and gained experience in people management.

Fishing is said to be one of the most popular participation sports in the UK. To keep up with demand 1,000s of waterways and lakes have to be stocked and maintained.

It has been estimated that 2,296,000 anglers go coarse fishing, a further 843,000 go game fishing and 1,104,000 fish in the sea. Allowing for the fact that many (37%) take part in more than one type of angling, the total number of anglers in England and Wales is about 3 million.

Students completing the Fish Management Advanced (Level 3) often progress to working in outdoor careers including Aquarist, Fish Farm Manager, Angling Journalist, Ornamental Fish Breeder, River & Lakes Fisheries Officer and more in the UK and overseas.

For more information about this course and others offered at Shuttleworth College visit:

Casting net wide for careers Fisheries competition 2019
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