This will ensure that you can confidently apply your learning while in education, at work or in real-life situations
All course materials (both digital and print) will be made available and dedicated tutors will be on hand to provide advice and support at every stage. There is a choice to study online or at our Learning Centres in Bedford, Corby and Kettering.
If you are aged 19 or over and have lived in the UK or the EU for the past three years, the courses are FREE.
We also offer the courses in the following for those looking to improve their employability skills:
- Achieving Success at Interview
- Action Planning for Personal Success
- Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
- Business Administration
- Construction Skills
- Conduct at Work
- Customer Service Skills
- Effective Communication
- Food Safety
- Health & Social Care
- Hospitality
- IT for Beginners
- Personal Wellbeing
- Retail
- Working in a Team

Get in touch!
For more information or to register, please email