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Safe Place scheme

Bedford College Student Services

The Safe Place scheme provides a network of safe harbour locations on campus, providing access to emergency support, signposting to reporting & support services, and a safe place to wait following a violent, hateful or harassing incident. 

If you have experienced a violent, hateful or harassing incident you can head to a Safe Place to: 

  • Ask for Campus Estates Team to be called (if needed). 
  • Request emergency services such as police, or an ambulance (if needed). 
  • Explore your options for reporting the incident (if you wish to). 
  • Access resources about Student Services, college, local and/or national support services. 
  • Have a safe place to wait a while. 
Safe Place Scheme
Safe Place locations 

Each Safe Place prominently displays a sticker that looks like this: 

 Safe Places include Student Services, LRC’s and Wellbeing zones.