RHS Qualifications are designed to provide you with current Horticultural practices and skills, which will allow you to pursue a career in Gardening as well as helping you take life or work in a new direction
Take a look at the qualifications you can gain at Shuttleworth College.

RHS Level 1 Award in Practical Horticulture
A practical-based qualification to grow a foundation level understanding of horticulture. This qualification provides access to the RHS Level 2 for students with no prior experience in Horticulture.

RHS Level 2 Award
There are two parts to this overall qualification:
Achieving both Level 2 Certificates in Practical Horticulture and Level 2 Certificate in the Principals of Plant and Growth Development will results in achieving the Level 2 Certificate in the Principles and Practice of Horticulture.
The RHS Level 2 Certificate in Practical Horticulture covers essential craft skills, which include the planting, pruning, propagation and maintenance of plants along with the establishment and management of turf, and maintenance of garden features.
The RHS Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth and Development, provides learners with a solid theoretical grounding. This offers an understanding behind the science of plants, such as how they function, nutrition, health, adaptations and various planting styles.
Attainment of both the Certificate in Practical Horticulture and the Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth and Development will result in learners achieving the Level 2 Certificate in the Principles and Practices of Horticulture

RHS Level 3
RHS Level 3 Qualifications will be available for first delivery from September 2023. We are awaiting approval from RHS to run this course.
Level 2 Certificate in the Principles and Practices of Horticulture
- Level 2 Certificate in Practical Horticulture
Topics covered include:
- Plant Identification
- Plant Establishment
- Plant Propagation
- Plant Health
- Plant Care
- Plant Pruning
- Garden Features
- Grassed Areas
- Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth and Development
Topics covered include:
- Plant Science I
- Plant Health
- Plant Nutrition
- Plant Specification
- Plant Science II
- Planting Styles
- Horticulture & Society
- Biodiversity
Level 3 Diploma in Horticulture
- Level 3 Certificate in Practical Horticulture
Topics covered include:
- Plant Knowledge
- Creating Planted Areas
- Maintaining Planted
- Areas
- Plant Health
- Productive Growing
- Protected Growing
- Ecological and
- Sustainable Plantines
- Landscaping
- Materials
- Level 3 Certificate in Gardens and Designed Landscapes
Topics covered include:
- Horticulture Heritage
- Plant KnowledgePlant
- Selection and Cultivation
- Plant Propagation
- Gardening Styles and Specialist Areas
- Productive Growing
- Gardens Management
- Gardens, People and Spaces
- Level 3 Award in Horticultural Investigation
Topics covered include:
- Initial project proposal
- Investigation and research
- Project skills
- Presentation and review