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Site Management HNC (Part time)

Bedford Construction HE


Site Management HNC (Part time)

The purpose of Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Construction Management for England is to develop students as professional, self-reflecting individuals able to meet the demands of employers in the construction sector and adapt to a constantly changing world. The qualifications aim to widen access to higher education and enhance the career prospects of those who undertake them. The objective of Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Construction Management for England is to give students the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to achieve.

This HNC qualification (HTQ) lays the foundation of learning by providing a broad introduction to construction and different construction management functions. This develops and strengthens core skills while preparing students for specialist subjects at Level 5 or to enter employment with the qualities necessary for job roles that require some personal responsibility.

What are the benefits to students?

  • A stimulating and challenging programme of study that will be both engaging and memorable for students.
  • The essential subject knowledge that students need to progress successfully within or into the world of work or onto further study.
  • A simplified structure: students undertake a substantial core of learning, required by all quantity surveyors, with limited specialism in the Higher National Certificate, building on this in the Higher National Diploma, with further specialist and optional units linked to their specialist area of study.
  • Refreshed content that is closely aligned with employer, professional body and higher education needs.
  • Assessments that consider cognitive skills (what students know) along with effective and applied skills (respectively how they behave and what they can do).
  • Unit-specific grading and Pearson-set assignments.
  • A varied approach to assessment that supports progression to Level 6 and also allows centres to offer assessment relevant to the local economy, thereby accommodating and enhancing different learning styles.
  • Quality assurance measures – to ensure that all stakeholders (e.g. professional bodies, universities, businesses, colleges and students) can feel confident in the integrity and value of the qualifications.
  • A qualification designed to meet the needs and expectations of students aspiring to work in an international setting.


Ready to apply?

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Important information

No. of contact hours

480 hours

Expected self-study

720 hours

Regulatory body


Student Loans Company code


Course information

Entry requirements

32-48 UCAS points and English language and maths GCSE grade 4 or above.

Course content

You will study:

  • Unit 1 Construction Design Project
  • Unit 2 Construction Technology
  • Unit 4 The Construction Environment
  • Unit 5 Legal & Statutory Requirements in Construction
  • Unit 6 Digital Applications for Construction Information
  • Unit 7 Surveying, Measuring & Setting Out
  • Unit 11 Financial Management & Business Practices
  • Unit 20 Site Supervision & Operations
Assessment methods

Just as variety of teaching is important to the planning of a programme structure, so too is the use of a range of assessment tools appropriate to the unit and its content.

Some of the assessment methods that could be used are:

  • work-based projects
  • written assignments – reports – briefing documents – planning documents – design documents – solutions to construction problems through discourse and/or calculation
  • presentations, vivas, role plays supported by an observer’s statement and/or video evidence
  • portfolios
  • reflective statements
  • production of artefacts
  • work logbooks
  • witness statements.
The qualification

HNC in Construction Management.

Further study and career options

Career progression:

HND in Construction Management for England.

Career progression:

Learners will have the opportunity to pursue their career in wide range of construction areas.

Additional information

Course costs:

Safety boots, scientific calculator and £100 for field trip.

Trips and opportunities:

  • Construction site field trip
  • An opportunity to join The Chartered Institute of Building
Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat or email us at

Due to the recent parliamentary procedures and Government announcements on student tuition fees we have increased our fees this year by 3.1 %. For any advice and guidance on paying for your tuition fees whilst studying with us, please see details of the financial support and bursaries we offer to support your time with us, or phone 0345 658 8990.

Available Courses
Bedford College
Starts: 15/09/2025
Type: HE
Length: 2 years
Day(s): Monday
Time(s): 9:00am - 4:30pm
Apply now
Fees: £3,093.00

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information on the Website is correct, some details may be subject to change. The Bedford College Group reserves the right to make amendments to the courses, dates, fees or other details, and to make cancellations or changes if numbers are insufficient. In the unfortunate situation that we have to cancel a course we will refund your fees in full, but we regret we are not able to offer any refund if you withdraw from your course or fail to start, and you will be liable to pay any outstanding fees that may be due.

Funding Information

You could be eligible to take out a loan to cover the cost of your tuition fees. Click on the link below to find out more about the financial support available for our Higher Education courses.

Find out more

If you decide to pay for your course yourself, we also offer an affordable Direct Debit instalments option to help spread the cost of tuition fees (terms apply).

Additional Learning Support

If you have a specific learning difficulty or disability, are deaf or hearing impaired, our Additional Learning Support team are on hand to give you assistance whenever you need it. Email: or call us on 01234 291333.

Financial Support

For information regarding financial support, please visit the Financial Support section to see the support you may be entitled to apply for.


We have access arrangements in place to help students with disabilities or any other particular needs. Call us on 01234 291000 or 01536 413123 for more information.

Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, email or call us on 0345 658 8990.