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Engineering HNC (Part time)

Engineering students Bedford College practical lesson


Engineering HNC (Part time)

Pearson BTEC Higher National (HN) qualifications are widely supported by higher education and industry as the principal vocational undergraduate qualifications at Levels 4 and 5. The BTEC Higher National qualifications were developed using a wide range of students, employers, higher education providers, colleges and subject experts to make sure the qualifications met their needs and expectations.

The qualifications were also developed closely with professional organisations to make sure the qualifications were in line with recognised professional standards. The BTEC Higher National qualifications are designed to reflect the increasing need for high-quality professional and technical education at undergraduate Levels 4 and 5. They provide students with a clear line of sight to employment and to a degree at Level 6 if they choose.

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Important information

No. of contact hours

384 hours (total)

Expected self-study

150 hours (total)

Regulatory body


Student Loans Company code


Course information

Entry requirements

32-48 UCAS points and English language and maths GCSE grade 4 or above.

  • Suitable A Level Qualifications
  • BTEC Engineering Qualification
  • Other Engineering Qualification (Advanced – Extended)
Course content

The Level 4 units lay the foundation of learning by providing a broad introduction to the engineering sector as well as a focused introduction to latest advancements in engineering. This develops and strengthens core skills while preparing students for more specialist subjects at Level 5 or to enter employment with the qualities
necessary for job roles that require some personal responsibility.

Students will gain a wide range of scientific and engineering knowledge linked to practical skills obtained through research, independent study, directed study and workplace scenarios. Students are involved in vocational activities that help them to develop behaviours (the attitudes and approaches required for a competence) and transferable skills. Transferable skills are those such as communication, teamwork, research and analysis, which are highly valued in higher education and in the workplace.

By the end of Level 4 study, students will have sound knowledge of the basic concepts of engineering. They will be competent in a range of subject-specific skills as well as in general skills and qualities relevant to these key areas of engineering.


Core – Mandatory

  • Unit 4001: Engineering Design 15 4

Core – Mandatory

  • Unit 4002: Engineering Maths 15 4

Core – Mandatory

  • Unit 4004: Managing a Professional Engineering Project (Pearson-set) 15 4

Specialist – Mandatory

  • Unit 4006: Mechatronics 15 4

Specialist – Mandatory

  • Unit 4008: Mechanical Principles 15 4

Specialist – Mandatory

  • Unit 4014: Production Engineering for Manufacture 15 4

Specialist – Mandatory

  • Unit 4017: Quality and Process Improvement 15 4

Specialist – Mandatory

  • Unit 4020: Digital Principles 15 4
Assessment methods

Centre-developed internal assignments that are set and assessed by centres, and Pearson-set assignments, which are set by centres in line with our guidelines and graded by centres.

Pearson-set units are mandatory and target particular industry-specific skills.

The number and value of these units are dependent on qualification size.

The qualification

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded the Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Engineering for England.

Further study and career options

This course allows progression to a Level 5 HND in Engineering, or may allow entry to the second year of a degree program.

Additional information

There are no additional costs associated with this course.

Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, or contact

Due to the recent parliamentary procedures and Government announcements on student tuition fees we have increased our fees this year by 3.1 %. For any advice and guidance on paying for your tuition fees whilst studying with us, please see details of the financial support and bursaries we offer to support your time with us, or phone 0345 658 8990.

Available Courses
Tresham College Corby Campus
Starts: 17/09/2025
Type: HE
Length: 2 years
Day(s): Wednesday
Time(s): 8:30am - 6:00pm
Apply now
Fees: £3,093.00 Fee notes: The fee indicated is for each year of the course.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information on the Website is correct, some details may be subject to change. The Bedford College Group reserves the right to make amendments to the courses, dates, fees or other details, and to make cancellations or changes if numbers are insufficient. In the unfortunate situation that we have to cancel a course we will refund your fees in full, but we regret we are not able to offer any refund if you withdraw from your course or fail to start, and you will be liable to pay any outstanding fees that may be due.

Additional Learning Support

If you have a specific learning difficulty or disability, are deaf or hearing impaired, our Additional Learning Support team are on hand to give you assistance whenever you need it. Email: or call us on 01234 291333.

Financial Support

For information regarding financial support, please visit the Financial Support section to see the support you may be entitled to apply for.


We have access arrangements in place to help students with disabilities or any other particular needs. Call us on 01234 291000 or 01536 413123 for more information.

Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, email or call us on 0345 658 8990.