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UAL Level 3 Applied General Diploma and Extended Diploma in Art and Design (Games Design)

Games design student on pc.


Advanced (Games Design)

This UAL awarding body programme will help you to develop your creative art and design skills enabling you to build a portfolio of work through a series of creative briefs, work experience opportunities and workshops in a wide range of subject areas. Success on this Study Programme, leads to a potential:

86 UCAS credit year one

168 UCAS credit over the 2 years

Enabling you to progress on to higher education. The programme is based in a dedicated building equipped with the latest industry relevant resources and taught by staff with a high degree of industry experience in their field.

What is Games Design?

The joyous element of Game Design is the ability to create and mould static imagery into functioning and controllable characters, assets or environments with a multitude of background subcategories to hone skills towards such as, animation that is integrated within all modern digital media, found from Film and TV to Advertising and Games. The process – whether it be 2D or 3D – follows a structure of generating ideas into planning, followed by blocking out and refinement that has multiple career’s worth of opportunities in each step. 3D modelling shares a similar production pathway as animation with the end product of having your concepts in a physical 3D space in front of you whether that is printed or digital.

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Course information

Need to know

Entry Requirements

4 GCSEs grades 9 – 4 OR similar qualification at Level 2.

What qualification will I gain?

UAL Level 3 Applied General Diploma and Extended Diploma in Art and Design.


What will I study?

During your study programme you will be given the opportunity to explore your chosen pathway, specialising in a variety of creative practices, here in Games Design we cover practices such as digital and traditional 2D character and asset creation techniques, 3D modelling and animating, concept art development, game engine work, and much more.

Whilst on this programme you will also be given opportunities to work for real companies and clients through live briefs, we have recently worked with: Lister Hospital, Eagle Bookshop, and Black Cat Games Studio. You will also hear from a variety of guest speakers, this year we heard from a previous student who has gone on to work at Framestore, a leading London VFX studio.

An example of a recent brief:

“This project is split into two core parts: a creature designing outcome, and an asset designing and modelling outcome based upon the previously designed creature.

The creature designing section will cover how to take observational drawings and appropriate photographs, which will then feed into a series of workshops based around photobashing together a set of creature bases. You will then engage in using a process of silhouetting and sketches to design and develop a range of creature concepts. After a process of peer and self evaluation, you will develop a creature design through inking and adding colour/texture.

The asset designing section starts with breaking down your designed creature using reference to help justify the sketching aspect of weapon design. Through a process of iterating on sketches, a more finalised concept will be outputted. Using Blender, you’ll block out and develop a 3D model of your concept. After being introduced to the techniques through workshops, you will UV unwrap and then texture your model. The final model will be lit and rendered, before being self evaluated.”

The Study programme / Required engagement

The Study programme:

As this is a study programme you will be covering more than just your chosen pathway, you will be required to engage with tutorial sessions that will cover a wide range of life skills, the university application process, college values and culture. There will be a work experience project for every pathway that requires you to complete a set number of hours working with a client or company that are external to the College. Students who have not gained a grade 4 GCSE in English and Maths will be required as part of their study programme to attend weekly Maths and English sessions.

Required Engagement:

Main Programme Pathway (your subject) Work Experience Tutorial Maths* English* * If you have not already achieved a GCSE pass at grade 4 (C in the old grading structure) or above in English and Maths you will study Maths and/ or English as an integral part of your college programme.

Next steps

Success on this Study Programme, leads to a potential:

  • 86 UCAS credit year one
  • 168 UCAS credit over the 2 years

Enabling you to progress on to higher education.

Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, or  contact

Available Courses
Bedford College
Starts: 08/09/2025
Type: Full Time
Length: 2 years
Day(s): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
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Fees: 16-18 Yrs: Fully Funded 19+ Yrs: This course could be funded, for more information call us on 0345 658 8990 or use the Livechat below. Fee notes: Fully Funded*

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information on the Website is correct, some details may be subject to change. The Bedford College Group reserves the right to make amendments to the courses, dates, fees or other details, and to make cancellations or changes if numbers are insufficient. In the unfortunate situation that we have to cancel a course we will refund your fees in full, but we regret we are not able to offer any refund if you withdraw from your course or fail to start, and you will be liable to pay any outstanding fees that may be due.

Additional Learning Support

If you have a specific learning difficulty or disability, are deaf or hearing impaired, our Additional Learning Support team are on hand to give you assistance whenever you need it. Email: or call us on 01234 291333.

Financial Support

For information regarding financial support, please visit the Financial Support section to see the support you may be entitled to apply for.


We have access arrangements in place to help students with disabilities or any other particular needs. Call us on 01234 291000 or 01536 413123 for more information.


Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, email or call us on 0345 658 8990.