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Good in all areas

In October 2024, The Bedford College Group was inspected by Ofsted. Below are summarised points and the full report is also available to download.

  • The Bedford College Group has been graded as Good across all areas inspected and for Overall effectiveness.
  • Learners and apprentices develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours that they need to be successful in their future careers. They enjoy their learning and produce work of a good standard.
  • Teaching staff are recruited who are well qualified and have suitable industry experience that they use well to enhance curriculum content, this provides learners with valuable and contemporary real-world examples.
  • Teaching staff and assistants have a secure understanding of learners’ education and health care plans and use these plans to promote effective learning.
  • Staff benefit from well-being services that help them to maintain a positive work-life balance.
  • Senior leaders and managers have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the quality of education.
  • Senior staff engage effectively with local, regional and national employers and stakeholders to identify priority skills needs.
  • Leaders collaborate with stakeholders to understand the need to develop routes into employment for learners who are the furthest away from education and training.
  • Civic stakeholders view the college as a trusted organisation, which is keen to respond to the needs of its communities.
  • New processes were effectively being embedded to ensure learners and apprentices remain safe.
  • Governors are committed to their roles and have a realistic understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the college group.
Download the full report