IT Technician Collette White, of Luton, continues to be a World Class operator.
She joined the line-up of winners at a World Skills Regional Competition held at Bedford College – just in time for International Women in Engineering Day
Bedford College has top team of women in the Computing Department and elsewhere in Engineering (Training co-ordinator at Bedford College’s Brunel Centre is Dawn Fitt is Past President of the Women’s Engineering Society which celebrates its centenary in 2019
At this most recent event on June 22nd Bedford College, with its industry standard IT facilities, hosted a multi-college competition led by Toby Bell, Partner in Competitions for
The winners now wait until August to hear if they have made it through to the next stages of World Skills competition at the NEC Birmingham 2018. Collette made it through to that stage in 2017 winning a bronze medal.
Paula Hobday said:
We have a great track record of our computing students getting through to the final competitive stages of the World Skills events. This demonstrates how each year we are providing training which keeps up with the ever changing demands of industry.
Bedford College offers full and part-time computing course, Higher Education degree level learning and apprenticeships.