The High Street was filled with amazing sights on Thursday May 17 when students taking part in the annual Hair and Beauty Show made their way to the Bedford Corn Exchange in St Paul’s Square.
The venue was packed with an audience of employers and parents who witnessed a catwalk of fun fashion, outrageous outfits and hair-raising styles. For those taking snaps there was the added bonus of the chance to win Love Bedford gift voucher prizes of £50 for the best pictures shared on Instagram with @lovebedford1

The theme, at the Bedford Corn Exchange event, was Carnival with colourful costumes to match the multi-dyed hair and creative make-up.
Students train all year round in the Bedford High Street salon Brooks, run by Bedford College as a “real life working environment”.
Town centre and industry businesses showed support for the students of the Brooks High Street training salon and spa. This year big names like Body Shop gave gifts and Debenhams donated stage props. BedfordBID, which markets the town under the Love Bedford brand, gave £500 worth of Love Bedford vouchers as prizes. Pegalicious of the Edwardian Arcade supplied a balloon display.
Head of Hair and Beauty at the Bedford College Brooks salon Kerry Attfield said: “This is a well established spectacle which students work hard to make more exciting every year. None of it would be possible without the support of industry suppliers and town centre businesses.
“It is a catwalk display of the talents of our students and we hope will encourage other young people to think about the possibilities of a creative career in Hair & Beauty.”
Christina Rowe Director of BedfordBID said: “We have a large selection of hair and beauty businesses in the town centre who send their staff to the college for training. This event is a glamorous showcase of the best in Bedford.”