The Bedford College Group is number three in the country among the big college apprenticeship providers.
Overall in third place against metropolitan giants like Manchester, Newcastle, London and Leeds, The Bedford College Group has the same standing when compared to the very best Ofsted rated colleges in the UK and across the East and Midlands regions.
“When compared with the 15 largest college groups, which includes us, and the five colleges which I consider to be the best, and across the wider region, The Bedford College Group comes up in third place in all three categories.
“It is really pleasing that we are in the mix with the best and right at the top end of the large colleges who have the largest numbers of apprentices,”
said Ian Pryce CBE, who is celebrating his 25th anniversary as CEO of The Bedford College Group at the end of 2023.

Leading the way
Ian’s analysis stems from the Qualification Achievement Rates (QAR) report for 2021/22. QAR gives one measure of how well further education colleges and other training organisations perform.
The Bedford College Group comprises Bedford College, Shuttleworth College and Central Beds College in Bedfordshire and Tresham College in Northamptonshire.
It is the seventh largest college in the UK by income but is higher up the ratings in specific areas – including apprenticeships which are considered vital by the Government and welcomed by employers.
The Bedford College Group is leading the way with relationships with employers across a range of training from apprenticeships to continuing professional development for adults in the workplace.

Apprenticeship successes
This month a number of successes by individual apprentices have been announced by Tanya Baney, The Bedford College Group Head of Apprenticeships.
At the Corby campus of Tresham College two apprentices have won through to the regional heats of the World Skills electrical competition:
- Taylor Green, 17, from Rothwell, Year 2 apprentice with RB Electrical.
- Stacy Fiford, aged 24, from Peterborough a Year 3 apprentice with Optimum Installation.