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The Bedford College Group Champions Women in Construction at Industry Networking Event

Women in Construction

The Bedford College Group hosted a Building the Workforce of Tomorrow: Education Meets Industry event today to celebrate Women in Construction week.

The event was aimed at employers looking to diversify their workforce, address skills gaps and connect with the future generation of talent in construction.

The event, which took place at The Connolly Centre for Modern Construction, brought together local construction and building services companies with students and staff to champion female participation in the sector and create valuable industry connections.

The event saw the participation of 10 employers, including BPHA, ECL Civils, JPP UK, Kier, Modplan Mechanical & Electrical Installation Ltd, Neville Trust, Tilia Homes, Wadys, Willmott Dixon, and Winvic. Each organisation had the opportunity to share best practice and showcase their commitment to providing opportunities for the future generation of the construction workforce.

One of the employers and guest speaker at the event Kayleigh Merritt, Talent development manager at Winvic Construction said:

The event has been great, it was lovely to get a tour of the amazing facilities and bring the students and employers together here. It is very important we continue to ensure strong role models from a young age throughout education for the industry, which is why this event today at Bedford College is so pivotal.”

Women in Construction
Women in Construction
Women in Construction
Women in Construction

Inspiring the next generation

Attendees had the opportunity to tour the college’s state-of-the-art construction facilities, gaining first-hand insight into the advanced training and resources available to students. There was also an opportunity for industry discussion and networking enabling students to engage directly with professionals, learn about career pathways, and explore potential employment opportunities.

With women making up just 15% of the construction workforce, events like this are key to raising awareness and encouraging more women to consider careers in the industry. By highlighting successful women in construction and offering opportunities to connect with industry leaders, the event helped challenge stereotypes and inspire the next generation to pursue fulfilling careers in the field.

Student at Bedford College who attended the event, Kayla Cox, studying a T-Level in Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction and the Build Environment said:

“I was really happy when I received the email about this event today, it has been so exciting to speak to companies and pick their brains. Most of my family have a background in construction, so I have always had a strong interest in buildings and architecture, which is great for me to be able to apply into all aspects of my life. There is definitely still some reluctancy for women in construction, events like this are so beneficial for us to speak to others and prove our work ethic.”

Kathryn Lusk, Group Head of Business Development at The Bedford College Group said:

“Events like today are invaluable in bridging the gap between education and industry. By working closely with employers, we can provide our students with real-life opportunities that not only enhance their skills but also shape their future careers. The connections and conversations held during the event truly have the potential to transform lives and strengthen the construction industry with fresh, diverse talent.”


Employers interested in partnering with Bedford College to support the development of the next generation of construction professionals are encouraged to email or call 01234 291747.

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