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Student Simran meets Ministers

Student Simran meets Ministers.

Flying the flag for the new Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQ) is Simran Sharma who has been talking to Government Ministers.

Simran, aged 20, is a student at the Kettering campus of Tresham College and is taking a Level 5 Computing HTQ.

Together with Vice Principal of Tresham College Jo Baxter, Simran went to the House of Lords to a celebration event for providers and students hosted by Gillian Keegan The Secretary of State for Education and Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP, Minister for Skills.

 “Simran discussed her course with the Minister and he was very impressed with the work she had been doing,”

said Jo.

Student and other guests in House of Lords.
Student Simran meets Ministers.
A great route to learning

Tresham College has been promoting HTQs as a great route to degree level-learning, with industry-welcomed expertise for the past 12 months. Now more students are being encouraged to step up their skills across a wide range of subjects.

Simran hopes to move into a career in computer forensics. 

Student at House of Lords visit.
Here is a Q & A she completed for the Department for Education as part of her invitation to the House of Lords. 

1. Why did you decide to do a Higher Technical Qualification?

I chose to do a Higher Technical Qualification as I thought this was a better alternative for me than going to university. I liked the fact the tuition fee was less than the usual university fee. I thought the fact the qualification included a wide range of topics was useful because if I wanted to change the field I wanted to work in, the course had a wide variety of other topics I could use or learn from in the future. I was already studying at Tresham College and as part of the course I was given several work experience opportunities and knew that this would increase by taking the HTQ.

2. What do you like about your course?  How has it helped you with your future plans?

The course offers a wide range of units that I found interesting and links to what I wanted to do in the future. This course is a useful stepping stone that will provide me with the necessary experience, knowledge and confidence for further study and when applying for jobs.

3. What would you like to do after completing the HTQ?

After completing the HTQ I will do the necessary top up year and then apply for a job in the field I am interested in, currently I am thinking about computer forensics and potentially working within the police.

4. Any advice you would give to someone considering an HTQ?

 I would recommend anyone considering a HTQ but not wanting to go to university to do so. I think this course gives a similar feel to the one you may study at uni, with the advantage that it would mean being in lesser debt at the end, and the course has a wide range of modules that would spark interest in anyone interested in the IT field.

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