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Stay at Home Art

Stay at home Art PR Story

Bedford College BA Graphic Design student Hannah Underwood has launched an exciting project to occupy young people with art activities during these difficult times.

In just two weeks more than 1,000 have downloaded her work.

She is working alongside 20 creatives, including others on her degree course at the riverside South Bank Arts Centre campus, to produce printable worksheets that can encourage children to enjoy Stay at Home art.

Visit to find out how you can access these fantastic materials and please do share with your family and friends.


Bedford College Graphic Design Higher Education student Hannah

Hannah, aged 21 of Barton le Clay, has completed an HNC and HND in Graphics and is now doing her “top up” to a full BA degree.

She said: “I can imagine art lessons are being neglected as parents are focusing on subjects like maths in their efforts to ‘home school’ but we all know that all learning is enhanced by creative thinking. I think parents might appreciate the opportunity to revisit their creative skills too.”

Hannah added: “My current plans are to continue to expand my client base over the summer period (freelancing) until I find the right job opportunity. Then moving into employment to gain as much industry knowledge and experience as possible because my future aspiration is to eventually start my own creative company/agency.”

Jeffrey Tribe, Advanced Practitioner at Bedford College said: “Hannah is a determined, talented and thoughtful student and this initiative is a true reflection of her caring character. Please pass on this link to all of your friends and family.”

Are YOU thinking of studying art at degree level but unsure if ‘going away” to university is the answer? Bedford College is a nationally recognised graphics design ‘school’ with excellent contacts with employers for work-related experiences. Think outside the box, think locally and visit

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