Outstanding students from the 7,000 who are part of Tresham College at Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough and the National College for Motorsport in Silverstone were recognised at a special ceremony on Friday November 10th.
The applause was amplified by those from what is now The Bedford College Group who were joining the event for the first time since the merger with Tresham College in August of this year.

Group Principal and CEO Ian Pryce CBE joined now Group Vice Principal Corrie Harris in congratulating the assembled at the Kettering Conference Centre.
Ian said these awards marked the end of a remarkable year in which all the main Government bodies, which monitor FE colleges, had recognised improvements in the Northants education provider. GCSE resit results, for those who failed them at school, showed the best improvement in the UK. Anyone joining The Bedford College Group who does not have passes in English and maths has to attend classes to get up to speed.
He also announced three exciting developments
- Opening of a new TV studio at Kettering for media students which had taken place this autumn
- A multi-million bid for SEMLEP* funding for new facilities at Wellingborough
- Plans for new Learning Centre at Kettering offering low cost and free IT training for adults to support them into work or promotion.
Ian said: “Success rates have climbed and we are looking forward to some exciting new developments. I especially thank the local authorities, including the three Mayors who joined this event, for their support for our plans to boost education and training in Northamptonshire.”
Chair of The Bedford College Group Corporation Roger Marriott said: “The group is one of the largest FE colleges in the UK. We are the largest provider of sixth form, apprenticeships, adult learning and non-university campus Higher Education (degree level learning) in the region and we are ambitious for our communities across Northants and Beds.”
Star turns
Guest speaker for the evening was Adelle Moss a star of stage and screen who now runs the AM Kids Agency placing young people in many roles (including some of this year’s Christmas ads on TV). Adelle is a course manager at Bedford College Performing Arts where they are looking forward to working more closely with the cast from Tresham College, such as those who sang and danced at the ceremony.
Business backers
Lead sponsors for the evening were Mindful Education which specialises in media-rich course and
The Old Cytringanians Association which supports quality educational opportunities in Kettering.
Thanks also to other sponsors: Corby Borough Council, Garrett’s Property Services, Kettering Borough Council, MHR, Northamptonshire FA, England Rugby Colleges, Russums Catering Equipment, Tresham Students Union and the University of Northamptonshire.
To view a full set of images from our Annual Awards event please visit our Facebook page.