Bringing together logistics companies from across two counties could help fill 1,000s of vacancies in Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire.
A coordinated series of meetings on across The Bedford College Group in Corby, Bedford and Leighton Buzzard, saw some of the biggest names in warehousing across the UK join together to share challenges and solutions:
UPS, DHL Express UK, Asda, John Lewis, Ark-H Handling, Movianto, Ocado, PeoplePlus, Culina Group, Newlands, Stephen Sanderson Transport, Wincanton PLC, LEIDOS, Miniclipper Logistics, Unisnacks Europe Ltd plus Central Bedfordshire Council and SEMLEP (the regional employers’ body).

Opportunities in a modern industry
Speaking at the event hosted at the Buchanan Centre at the Bedford College’s Cauldwell Street campus was David Coombes, Managing Director of the Skills for Logistics.
He started his career in logistics by accident and said:
“It is still the case that young people do not appreciate the many opportunities offered in the industry. I started in a warehouse, still have an HGV licence and then decided to become a trainer. As Skills for Logistics, we liaise between FE colleges and employers to support curriculum development which helps the industry.
“There are 100,000 vacancies in logistics and a demographic of the workforce which shows it to be men in their fifties. We need to appeal to a younger and more diverse range of potential employees.”
Gina Bubbins, Director of Partnerships at the Group said:
“We want logistic companies to come to us to meet our students and talk to them about worthwhile careers in warehousing and logistics, a fast-moving and modern industry.”