Apprentice Toby Smith, aged 19, is a real high-flyer now he has his helicopter pilot’s licence.
Toby, a former Redborne School boy, decided A Levels were not for him so signed up to do a Warehousing course at The Bedford College Group – allowing him to better understand the stores system at his father Paul’s helicopter maintenance business,

After successfully completing that, he progressed to a Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship which is now nearing completion. In the meantime the company sponsored him to get his helicopter pilot’s licence, at which Toby has beaten his Dad to the controls.
“Dad was trying to get his licence but was then too busy at work, but I have mine now,”
said Toby, who lives in Ampthill,
“I liked school but didn’t want to do A Levels and have enjoyed the experience of being at the college combined with working. And, given what has gone on over the past couple of years, I made the right choice avoiding going away to university.”
Like all apprentices, Toby can choose to progress to Higher Education study including a taking degree in Engineering for instance, all within The Bedford College Group.
Don’t want to do A Levels or go away to University? See how college can allow you to earn while you learn:
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