Successful professional Alice Vacani has set up her own business offering online Art Therapy sessions and groups thanks to a free distance learning course via The Bedford College Group.
Alice has both an Undergraduate and Master’s degree, is a member of the British Association of Art Therapists and works with the Health and Care Professions Council. She works full time as an Art Therapist in a secure environment, dealing with people who have a range of wellbeing issues, but wanted to set up her own private practice so signed up for the Creating a Business Start-up course.

“The course is at a Level 2 so I did wonder what I might learn, but it was so very useful. In my Master’s degree we covered the theory of business, but the practicalities of a name and logo, finances and budgets and how to prices products and services within the Level 2 Business start up were really helpful.
“The course is really versatile and would suit people with any level of education,” said Alice (who lives in Lincolnshire),
“Now I have my own website which has attracted interest from individuals and those seeking to run groups.
“My original plan was not to be an online business, but the current situation forced this upon me, and in fact, is providing an opportunity of reaching out to people who have become more used to engaging via the internet.”
Art therapy can be used for a range of well-being challenges from those simply needing to relax, cope with stress or more complex backgrounds which result in unsafe coping mechanisms and mental health diagnosis.
Instagram @horizonsartherapy