A Bedford College student, Kelsey Bushby, has created a portfolio of pictures showing off Bedford Town Centre. She was commissioned by BedfordBID which represents more than 500 businesses.
The Bedford Business Improvement District (BID) is always presenting the best face of the town to potential customers. This includes having a bank of photographic images on its website lovebedford.co.uk

In turn The Bedford College Group is big supporter of the BID and a huge source of talent, with 12,000 students who support the town centre all year round. So BedfordBID decided to select one of its students Kelsey Bushby to take some photographs to add to its photo bank.
“We loved a photograph of The Bedford Swan Hotel which Kelsey produced so we decided to take some more which we will be adding to our website and other promotional materials through the year,” said Christina Rowe, Director of the BedfordBID.
“Having such a pool of young talent and customers right here in our town centre adds vibrancy to the whole business community.”
BedfordBID represents 500 levy-paying business who pool together via a levy fund to promote the town for the benefit of all.
That fund finances “big picture’ promotional activity for the town to help bring in customers from far and wide. This may be day visitors or those who come to stay for a weekend or longer.
The fund is managed by businesses who pay the levy and among them is Bedford College which pays one of the largest contributions of all (the smallest businesses who operate from within bricks and mortar pay nothing at all).
Kelsey can be found on Instagram @kelseysphotography_28
She finishes her BTEC Extended Diploma Level 3 in the summer.