Two top women from The Bedford College Group took part in a Nat West Bank online celebration on March 8th.
The e-seminar will bring together 100 of those from across the region who have shone through during the Covid crisis which began in March 2020.
During that time these women have shown how business people can make a vital contribution to the common good.

BA student in graphic design, Hannah Underwood, of Barton, Beds and friends, created some downloadable worksheets which parents could use to encourage children to enjoy ‘Stay at Home’ art. An initial response of 1,000 in the first few weeks was considered exciting, but since then target has gone on towards 50,000!
Hannah is now creating a career for herself in the world of design.”It’s amazing to have been nominated to join this event,” said Hannah.

Meanwhile, at Tresham College in Northamptonshire, part of TBCG, associate lecturer Sharon Key, who has her own meditation and mindfulness business, decided to make some of her classes available free online to help people – and found she had followers from 70 counties around the world.
“I offered the course to colleagues and their families at the College, as well as the world at large. We are all facing challenges during this difficult time and I hope my courses can help,” said Sharon.
The Bedford College Group promotes equality and diversity all year round but does highlight achievements by celebrating special weeks and events throughout the calendar.