Bedford College won Gold at the national College’s Marketing Network FE First Awards evening.
The Events Management gold prize was given by the Marketing Network for a promotional event for the £5 Million Advanced Engineering Centre now being built on the Cauldwell Street campus.

The evening event was staged at the giant hangars at Cardington, home of airships since the early 1900s. The event gave exclusive access to the giant Airlander aircraft to VIP guests from the business community.
Bedford has a proud history in manufacturing, previously being a national and WW2 centre for engineering with companies such as WH Allen, Rolls-Royce and Texas Instruments operating in the town until the 1970s. This legacy of engineering is still reflected in the businesses which successfully operate across the county today.
Bedford College is linked to this legacy. Today it has a dedicated apprenticeship engineering centre and offers extensive ‘built environment’ and civil engineering facilities at its award-winning eco designed Brundtland Building at its Cauldwell Street campus.
Bedford College has won funding for the Centre via SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership) which recognised how the further education college is leading the way and working with international names such as Cranfield University as well as already providing a BSc in Engineering with the University of Northampton.
The new Advanced Engineering & Construction Centre is essential to meet the skills required by UK businesses to maintain their place in the global economy.
The Advanced Engineering & Construction Centre will house newer, lighter, analytical equipment, BIM Software and robotics. The Centre will allow students to move through to the higher engineering and degree level training essential in today’s manufacturing and civil engineering markets.
It will increase student numbers by an additional 300 full-time and part-time students and 150 higher level apprentices each year – thus meeting some of the huge demand from employers for skilled Engineers.
The space will provide students with room to experiment with intelligent design, analyse and assess problems, and develop real life solutions in the safety of the classroom and the virtual world environment.