For the tenth year in row, Bedford College’s Graphic Design Degree students have been ranked among the best in the UK in an important forum for future talent.
The You Can Now (YCN) programme was formed in 2001 to bring together creatively-driven organisations. Part of the programme is to showcase work by the designers of tomorrow and The Bedford College Group is once again in the front line.
Eight students were selected as winners in three teams across various categories.
Hannah Underwood, Chloe Miller and Alina Sazonova were working together on a brief to find a re-use for 35,000 diesel vehicles for the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC).
Harry Osmond and Bethany Riddel-Whitlock teamed up to also work on the brief for the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC).
Alex Wong, Oliver Judd and Kimberley France worked on a brief for Energy Trust which required them to develop a social media campaign to persuade 18-24 year olds to save energy.
The highlight will be the Awards Ceremony at the Barbican London on September 19th.
Advanced Practitioner Jeffrey Tribe who has overseen the entries to this competition since the start said: “We’re extremely proud of our students and the ability of our course to consistently reach the highest standards in this most competitive of arenas“
Toby Clark, Director of the Arts added:
This is an outstanding achievement for students, staff and the college group. Many thanks to all for all their extra hard work which pays off for students in terms of the best career opportunities with some of the biggest names in the UK.
Photo below shows six of the eight at the Private View in London: L to R – Kimberley France, Alina Sazanova, Harry Osmond, Chloe Miller (see link to Miller’s Crossing story here) Hannah Underwood & Beth Riddell-Whitlock