Would you like to learn what working with animals is really like?
Join us at Shuttleworth College to find out more and to work with the huge range of animals, reptiles and birds at our Zoological Education Centre.
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A great opportunity to learn zookeeping at the ZEC, allowing you to get a taste of what animal keeping is all about. These sessions are ideal for learners who want to work with animals in the future and will give you an insight into what our courses offer.
There are four sessions available to book, where each session will provide the opportunity to experience real-life animal roles in our state-of-the-art facilities.
This session is:
Summer session 3 : Designing and enriching animal enclosures – creating optimal environments for zoo animals
Our other sessions are:
Summer session 1: Saturday 28 June
Grooming and Healthcare for Animals -ranging from small pets to large hoofed livestock
Summer session 2: Thursday 31 July
Care and management of paddock animals-including alpacas, capybaras, goats and donkeys
Summer session 4: Saturday 20 September
Exotic animal encounters – enhancing your skills as a zookeeper
Cost: £40 per session
Timings: 9.30am to 3.00pm
Age Group: Open to children aged 12 – 16 years.
Requirements: All participants to bring packed lunch and wellies. Please wear clothes that can get messy, our animals do not respect nice clothes!